Kirim sayuran dan buah-buahan dari surabaya ke balikpapan, samarinda, bontang

Kirim sayuran dan buah-buahan dari surabaya ke balikpapan, samarinda, bontang
[Visit Count: 4638 times]
IDR 700,000.00

Item Code ekspedisi sby ke kalimatan

Product brand: sby ke kalimatan

Product specifications : ekspedisi sby ke kalimatan

Product type: New

Location: Jawa Timur Surabaya

Pubdate: 2017-01-24

Trade type:: Service

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No. Iklan G8179
Kategori: Transportation»Expedition Services »
tag ekspedisi sby ke kalimatan
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For safe transactions it is advisable to meet face to face with suppliers to avoid fraud or You can use escrow Goodloh For Secure and Convenient transactions.
Company Name / Business pt yudha abadi samudera  [Add Partners]
Contact: yuda
Telephone: 03177074473
Fax: 0313714484
Mobil: 085334332630
Location: Jawa Timur, Surabaya
Address: j;. sidotopo kidul no.11-15 surabaya
Website :
Join : 2015-02-06